Friday, February 8, 2013

That Smile Just Became Whiter

Trying to tell me something?

What is it called when someone realizes that their subconscious is doing more thinking than they are?
There has to be a word for that transition period, since there's no guarantee that the event will be short lived. No matter what we hold to be true to this world, true to the metaphysical, or true to science. In fact, there is nothing to say that subconscious influence is akin to environmental stimulus or individual emotions.

I get so frustrated with people who shrug off the effects of the subconscious, going so far as to deny the existence of it for themselves and thus anyone else. The main reason is that I am heavily affected by my subconscious in my dreams; dreams that I am affected by emotionally, which translates into my physiology.
Though I have no way of defining the mechanics of the subconscious, I can display what is happening through my creativity. It is not the same as my imagination, yet the two are interconnected so strongly that it would appear they are one in the same on the surface.

Why would anyone think that the information the mind soaks in, regardless of the origin, isn't filtered out in different ways? The conscious mind isn't able to process all the information it is subjected to, but it is foolishness to believe that the information isn't processed by something else. In fact, humans show a strong inclination to be affected by factors unknown to the conscious mind. Some fears are nothing more than paranoia, legitimate to the individual yet lacking substance that can be defined.
Phobias are an even better example of an illogical response to something. Which isn't illogical to the individual suffering the phobia, anyone suggesting otherwise is perceivable being audacious to personal feelings. Especially when it is translated to a matter of life or death in the conscious mind.

Fear is not the point here.
The point is a working machine that operates on multiple levels.
That machine is the brain.

To put it into perspective... The human mind is interconnected, if not physically afflicted, to five senses. These senses of the physical existence are extremely different from each other, but they come together like colors of the rainbow. The combined use of the senses is not questioned as logical or illogical, the information gathered from the five create a sense of reality.
Yet.. The five senses do not explain the physical universe completely, or the depth of understanding an individual has of their own environment. This is to insinuate that there is more to what is perceived, just as much as there's more to what is supposedly understood.
Just like there is awe in the presence of someone who understands plainly what the five senses discern.. There is awe in the presence of someone who displays the ability to sense beyond what the five senses are capable of. Which could be called a sixth sense and/or extra sensory perception.

It is incredibly ironic that someone who grasps the different layer of their own thoughts is disregarded.