Monday, February 11, 2013

If it's New, it's not True. If it's True, it's not New.

Where did this silly idea come from that any of us are original in our thought or are somehow unique because we got some body mods and listen to trendy music? Why is it that there is such a longing to be acceptable to a genre of meme based cliques all the while shrugging off the intellectual presence of those seeking to better understand the Universe?
Quite frankly... I don't see how any of the former is not absolutely boring and just a trite excuse to hide away how lame an individual really is. Yet, I am not against people having their hobbies or enjoying things that are as common as the Human hand.

I write and I draw things that I don't feel are completely original. There's some sort of basis that is like what we see every day, even if I have a way of thinking that is so far out of the box that it's hard to attribute it to a copy of something. This is true for so many other things that I have been into in my life, the worse of non-originality is my spiritual pursuit. Ironically it isn't a matter of being original, it is a matter of being unoriginal so that I can discern Truth in the most absolute degree possible. Science has a beautiful way of continuously unfolding Human sophistication in increasingly larger amounts all while not allowing any Human to say they did anything other than discover what's always been in front of us.

This concept gets deeper when it comes to pursuing Truth...
I am quick to disagree with concepts that are only new in thought while agree with concepts that have always been in the back of people's mind, just without a way of being articulated until revelation/discovery comes about. Especially the concept of the Divine.
No matter how you dissect it, Humankind has always been curious about the supernatural. Whether it is what we perceive to be miraculous, the question of the origin of the Universe, or our own personal discontent with the structure of this broken world. All of which has the same implication regardless of your worldview, it's just that each individual must decide how they will assimilate truth into their life.

I get really bent out of shape when anyone tries to convince me that Technology will reveal to us that we humans are not having an extremely unique experience or that sooner or later we will transcend the natural limitations of reality and be like gods in a very extreme sense of what is godly.
The impasse I face intellectually is that we haven't done anything to transcend the boundaries of the Universe, all we've done is to create our own perception of what the Universe is, without being able to duplicate the one we're in; the same one that provides the medium to achieve these feats of sophistication yet still keeps us within physical borders regardless of how we humans exist consciously.
For all it is worth, why can't I say that I transcend the Universe every night? After all, I have wild dreams that seem to border the line of insanity and prophetic. Sometimes my dreams are just outright unreal in correlation to reality whereas other times it just seems surreal.

People want to take credit for their ideas or their implementation of other people's ideas.
Girls want to look pretty, be desired, and be envied (well not all of them, but there is a surprising majority who think that is the way their life should be).
Boys want to be cool, strong, respected, and successful in whatever it is they do; even if it is just personal victory in a game (again, not all of them but the majority think that is the way it is meant to be).
And if things don't go that way.. There's something wrong with the individual. Regardless of handicap, weakness of talent or circumstances of life. Which is very similar to the illusion that guides people to believe they have someone specially designed for them because of personality traits.
In my opinion, you may as well take the hand of fate and spit in the face of maturity; because nothing really matters except for genetic disposition and what you think you're entitled to.
What ever happened to Nobility and seeking to honor the source of our strength/sustenance?

For those who are weak of mind, I am more inclined to give credit to divine power than I am to people. Yet, I give thanks to people just as much as blame. I didn't get on this planet by choice, I didn't chose the timeline I would live, and I certainly am responsible for the choices I make.
Here comes the impasse again...
Society spoon-feeds us the idea that if we believe we can be something then we can obtain it. This is prevalent in all walks of life, not just Hollywood. There are plenty of people who believe the only way they are going to get to where they want is if the step on the heads of everyone instead of anything else. And why shouldn't they, there are glorifications of this kind of thinking all over the place. The sad part of reality is that it's not far fetched at all. So you're practically wrong for thinking you're entitled just as much as you're wrong for doing whatever it takes to get where you want to be.
Granted, there are times when either seems appropriate and doesn't yield the result of destroying the lives of other people.. Just as it's not a blind reliance on what is handed to you as a gift, but that's why I feel there's nothing but vanity unless we get back to the original point of life.
Everything is a gift, nothing is new, and everyone has the obligation of realizing that their true value was established long before their own existence.

So why not adopt a simple process of thought that stands the test of time...
If you just found a new discovery that hasn't found it's roots in things going back to antiquity, then be highly skeptical of all of it. More than likely it's just some chump trying to make money off of your gullible attitude to life itself. Instead, seek to revitalize what the human purpose should have always been, stop trying to re-event the wheel and call it a breakthrough that should have a copyright.