Thursday, February 21, 2013

Those things linking...

A recent discovery has supposedly determined that there is an intrinsic link of color to aroma.
The discovery was found to have consistency with flowers in the sense of non psychosomatic effects, however there are many studies linking the perception of taste of certain foods/liquids with the color of dishware.

A strange coincidence? Hardly. In one case you have the potency of a chemical being linked to it's pigmentation and in another case you have the perception of these chemicals being linked to the perception of pigmentation.
These two things are wildly different even though they lead one to question the nature of the brain and natural elements. Which I'm sure some evolutionists will try to proclaim, in some fancy manner, that the brain developed a safety mechanism to discern certain elements as harmful simply through pigmentation.

I have my own idea, but I don't think I'll be able to articulate it well enough for any layman. Instead, I'll just ramble on about what I think; which is what this blog is good for anyways!

This 'link' is relative to how shape determines sound or density affects weight.
Physics, the unchanging attribute of forces that determine how everything in the Universe operates upon predictable principles, is this interlocking weave that brings simple elements like hydrogen into something as complex as a star. Which from there gives rise to something more complex like other elements, which gives rise to planets, which give rise to ecosystems, which give rise to complex organisms, which give rise to intelligence, which give rise to sooooooo much more.. And on and on and on we go...
Yet at every level there is a host of factors determining the rendered system. In fact, as we've come to know it in the modern times, there are a host of systems from the Quantum level all the way to the Super-Macro level that must all be coordinated in a perfectly harmonized orchestra of processes.

I usually don't concern myself with how things work in a purely scholarly way. Usually I look deeper into it to become acquainted with the facts so that I can understand the totality of some system in a purely intuitive manner. For example: the moment you bring in mathematics to explain complexities, I will look at you with disgust and tell you to stop torturing my mind. I do not find math to be 'wondrous' or 'beautiful' in any way. I know that it determines so much, but my imagination doesn't center around numbers and the possibilities that they help explain within the physical universe. Quite frankly... SHUT UP WITH YOUR NUMBERS!!
However, for the sake of continuity of knowledge and the scholarly approach, I tolerate the existence of the necessity for mathematics.

Ok.. I totally went on a rant because of my bitterness about numbers.. However, my point was supposed to be that mathematics easily display a simple quality to the universe without expressing some outlandish number that impresses scientists.
All you need is 3.
It's the magic number when expressing the mysterious quality that the Universe is endowed with.
Since I don't like using my intuition and math together, even though I can, I'll put it in a way that explains my point.
1 is something. 2 is divided. 3 is a group. 
For those who aren't highly intuitive, the explanation is relevant to how things exist beyond just simply existing by virtue of not being non-existent. That is not a convoluted statement.
What I am getting at is explainable on the atomic level.
Essentially, all matter is defined by the quality of 3. Or if you must, a frequency that has three variances.
I can't speak for the forces of physics in the same way, but that is simply a medium for things that exist in the universe; they have no value by themselves.

Positive, Negative, Neutral. Or when it comes to atomic science, Protons, Electrons, and Neutrons.
By this simple formula, complexities arise on a grand scale. from something relatively simple. In fact, conventional physics aren't enough to explain quanta (those subatomic particles that make up an atom). However, I'm not going to get into Quantum mechanics because it doesn't explain my point.

It's this interconnected quality that I am trying to make a point to. Because the Universe seems to express the quality or even the virtue of interconnected things. Which is one reason why I'm never surprised, though I may be amazed, by the linking of certain qualities to other qualities that are seemingly unrelated.
This expression of seemingly non-connection is all over the Universe. However, the better we understand how things really work, then we seem to realize that everything is interconnected. Through this understanding, we humans can give rise to things that are beautiful to the senses. Then again.. We humans are a display of that very quality of manipulating the elements of the universe in harmony with physics to create something more as profound as humanity.

Wow.. All that to express such a simple thought.
This truly was a random spurt of insanity.