Sunday, April 1, 2012


This is about the times you are all alone in trying to figure out something,

I'm not talking about the times that you are hurting people or for that matter lack a good explanation to why you keep repeating the same question and give yourself the same answer.

What I'm talking about is when you are faced with a paradox or some kind of crux and for whatever logic it is that's evading you, the last thing you can answer is why does everyone flee from your influence as if your concern  is so misplaced, so unbearable and so unworthy of their input that you're left alone to contemplate.

As I think of my own personal walk in spirituality, I am saddened that so many people are willing to  talk about what I agree with. Very quick to repeat themselves as if I validated their sanity and sense of belonging instead of asking me to clarify my conclusions and even play the Devil's advocate to see where my opinion truly does come from.

Does it surprise anyone that they feel like the people around them are fake? 

Generally I feel like the people around me are genuine or at least mean well. What I don't feel is that people relate to me like they think they do or would like to. Instead it's like a hit or miss game... And hardly ever to people really hit the mark. Which is why I try to hold on tight to the people that are close to me and am very generally disconnected about the people who really aren't. 

Never does the logic that you should just try to do what you can for the people around you really make clear sense to me. I am usually wondering stuff about all sorts of things and it seems that talking about it is just trivial to people... Not a big enough issue. As if psychophysical numbing is the true culprit; not intelligence. 

I'm not spitting a rant.. This is how anyone can feel about something they care about. Some people have it worse and some people use the chance to spit hot air instead of exhaling intellectual honesty. 

So in essence, this is also about people who don't talk about anything but trite issues.