Sunday, March 25, 2012

You think that's Fruit you're growing?

I do not live this life walking with a forgiving spirit to Evil as if I am capable of Loving everyone and everything in this world unconditionally. This idea that God has commanded me to Love beyond logical measure he has not displayed even himself. He has not given me the command to look away from iniquities against me, my family, my brothers or him with a blind eye. God has not commanded me to have a thoughtless mind and a numbed heart and to seek only to spread his message while sacrificing my spiritual growth with his followers. Though.. He has asked me to be stoic in my walk, to be intellectually mature, spiritually clean and to flee the constant barrage of the temptations of the flesh in their various forms.. Even declaring that anyone who truly Loves him will uphold his laws; summed up to the extent of Loving him with all my mind, heart and soul and to Love my neighbor as I do myself. I was never told not to judge my situation, my actions, the people around me or the actions I see. I was never told my neighbor is any and every man in this world regardless of his actions. The idea that Jesus was this example of a man who unconditionally accepted people without rebuke or open judgement of their actions is fallacious to scripture. Not only has God always been forgiving to those who seek it, he is also vengeful to those who scoff at it. WHAT IS HELL FOR? JUST A SCARE TACTIC FOR FANATICS TO USE TO EVANGELIZE A LIE? Why does the Apostle Paul say that those who follow the ways of the Spirit will not walk in the ways of the Flesh? Why does he ask what partnership does does the lawless have with righteousness, or what fellowship does light have with darkness, or what does a believer share in common with an unbeliever? Why would Paul quote Isaiah 52:11 if it has no relevance? Why would he say to his brothers that we Purify ourselves from everything that defiles the Flesh to accomplish holiness out of reverence for God? Why would Paul go so far as to say that his brothers and sisters should keep away from those who refuse to act on their faith in accordance to it's righteousness? Declaring that those who would not obey the message therein should not be closely associated with so that they may be ashamed--though not as an enemy but as a brother? The doctrine of unconditional forgiveness and the sanctifying of being victimized is a symbol of heresy; it is not righteous martyrdom, it is masochism. Tolerance is not what I am taught and yet it has become the meaning of life for the world. Without understanding the implications of tolerance I have allowed my life to become about worldly matters and not Heavenly ones. This has become blatantly obvious to me as I'm forced to accept everything as subjective and without absolute consequence. Looking back at the times I was rebuked for my actions and put to shame for them, I realize that the ones I did change were indeed the ones I saw in scripture that were described as immoral. I saw the evil in it during my practice and I sought repentance and reconciliation by mending my ways--not by declaring the scripture to be my enemy or to seek refuge with others that practiced the same ways as myself. Yet because of my tolerance, inevitably I allowed the influence of the wicked to come back into my circle and allowed myself to be dictated by doctrine that is suited for the insecurities of humans and not the righteousness of God. If I live a life of tolerance then I must accept the injustice of the world as God's choice and also his preference. If I live without judging then I must allow the wickedness of the enemies of God without question, rejection or rebuke of any kind. If I practice Forgiveness unconditionally then I must forgive even those who blaspheme God's word, murder my family, brothers and sisters and also say that it is wrong for anyone to be punished for their actions. This will not do... To Love my enemies is to not succumb to the wickedness of my own heart. It is not to allow their wickedness to become a normal and accepted part of my life. To Love my neighbor is to protect the good Samaritan; not to defend the actions of the thieves who tried to murder my brother, justify the priest who would avoid my brothers dying pleas or to not judge the Levite unwilling to stop to tend to my injured brother's wounds. To go forth into the world and spread my faith is not to jump into the Pit of Evil and dwell with God's enemies and to put them on a pedestal while chopping out the legs of my brothers who watch me being stabbed, trampled and ripped apart by the walking dead; all just to proclaim my righteousness to be like Christ because I walked into the lion's den with the intent to share my faith. Instead I should strive to commune with my brothers and sisters, share my faith with the lost and to rebuke the wickedness of the world with a declaration and separating myself from it's presence. My own parents may not have tried to teach me that it is God's will that I not surround myself with Evil but it was their experience and wisdom that taught me that the goal in life is not to seek out happiness by comforting my insecurities but rather to do good things with my life by first being wise of what kind of environment I allow to be around my being. It is clear to me now that unless I fight for my circle of influence to be pure, no amount of righteous appeal in my heart will make a difference for my relationship with the Holy Spirit; just as much as I will never show true reverence for the Father's laws or carry the Cross with Jesus. Many will tell me I'm wrong in my thinking... Which I may be very distorted beyond my own perception..... However, anyone who stays silent about it is a hypocrite and unwilling to walk in the Spirit with me so that we may all grow together. Furthermore, I will not be patronized for my thinking just because it inflames insecurities or is emotionally offensive. My life isn't regarded with enough concern by any person for me to believe that what I think matters enough beyond total and submissive agreement. This is my Rant. A growing Resolve.