Thursday, December 3, 2020

Dying in Darkness

 Light Pierces

And the light is greater than the darkness. 
    That is.. In power and potential. But in sheer volume, it's a perplexing question suddenly. 

I'm not speaking about scientific terms, such as dark matter or even the aspect of the lack of photons of the universe and how much space exists as such. 
What I'm speaking of here is the light of people and the darkness within. 

    Get away with the spiritual self-help or the new-age metaphysical outlook. 
    What we have here is something we all know is true.. Even the psychopath can understand what this is, even if they don't seem to care. It's the very reason why the court-of-opinion exists, as well as any other court of law in this world in all this histories of mankind. 
I have to introduce this as something different than what we usually here, and that's why I started with a simple statement. This statement is more true than any one can claim to realize, but also it is so true that none can deny it even in the metaphorical sense. 

Interestingly enough there is this point in time that seems to be cyclical in nature and it involves the collective thoughts of society. There are many beliefs that this time is cyclical in nature because humans are dealing with a state of decay in psyche and maybe deeper. Perhaps it is our genetics that are causing things to happen the way they do, all the way down to personality type and propensity. Many scientists of differing fields claim to have evidence of involuntary properties to our physical and mental construct that overrides free will; much like some biological processes can't be controlled by the individual yet are controlled by many mechanisms within the body--All of which can yield in different problems if you disturb any equilibrium of any system throughout the body. 

    Ok. So why is it this way?

Is it just coincidence that UV radiation sterilizes ? In as much that it is a good disinfectant--as a first-hand solution, long term care, and sufficiently sourced.. How about how UV radiation carries the spectrum of color, responsible for at least half of the excitement in all of existence ? Howabout the interesting mechanics of light, such as what it really consists of and how it moves ?

    Aside from glorifying light itself, the appeal here is to point out the versatility and ever-present nature of light in that it truly does pierce the dark in many ways. The only thing that light does that the darkness does not is rely on a source. Perhaps my understanding of darkness, in any sense of the word, should be amended to better articulate the substance of darkness itself. 
What is darkness that it covers things that aren't in the light? What is it that it seems to go where ever the light is not and when it comes to the psyche it can be a matter of naivety, blasphemy, or some other twist to the natural that may not be considered morally reprehensible yet still ugly in form. 
Between people, one person's perception of light and darkness from another doesn't change much. Usually the more complicated extrapolation of individual and societal behaviors are of influence; however, it is also within the complex construct that the lines become hazy. Only certain individual or societal behaviors can be seen as purely detrimental or purely beneficial. Which may be the reason why humans have had a clinging need for dogmatic articulation of what is considered the "reasons" for human life and our responsibilities because of what we can do. 

    Regardless of who is right and who is wrong, my interest has usually been a matter of historicity. I could care less who won and loss as much as who is in the right and who is in the wrong. Though I should clarify that this largely is due to my belief that there is a hierarchy that can't be toppled and shouldn't be rebelled against; be it a respect for authority or a deeper sense of balance to the order of the natural world. 
Perhaps the reason why I claim that true religion is certainly illustrated as a relationship as opposed to an adherence to guidelines. Though not to separate the two like they are not connected or one doesn't lead to the other. 

Some People Care. Others... Well..

No blame game here. 
    We all know what we're actually guilty of, usually. 

I wouldn't know what the measure of seeking the light is. I don't know if it is something that is appealing to all people; I imagine that in the lifetime of each individual there are multiple instances that the light pierces the dark. Yet I know that can't always be true since some people die in horrible circumstances, having been born into the circumstances. Just as some people never see the light of day--use your imagination. 

Looking through the sciences is an interesting one in the regard of all the potential influences light has on everyday life; even more so when you consider that a ball of fire floating in the sky has been responsible for eons of ideas from mankind. 
But for as much as we live in it, with it, and for it.. It's amazing how little we know about it.