Friday, November 15, 2013

Prudently Truant

I like the idea that some people believe, with everything they have, that being punctual is important and also making good on appointments. What I don’t like is when there is an expectation that somehow Murphy's law doesn’t still apply and to everyone. This is easily seen from individuals who make more of a fuss about someone being late or missing out on something, because somehow it was offensive and anyone should feel bad about it, yet the compassion for circumstance is ignored. I understand that there is a level of integrity that needs to be met when dealing with any individual, but it shouldn’t take place over conflict resolution or empathy.

Too bad.. I get my hopes up that offense doesn’t turn into retaliation.

The one thing in this world that I have a major problem keeping up with is my schedule. I don’t care what it is, important or not. Productive or not. Artistic or scholarly. You name it, I have to manage it as well as the US Congress does the nations finances. Sometimes I am on point and just can’t be caused to miss a beat. Yet sometimes I struggle so hard that everything turns into a domino effect. School is the best place to see it in action because I get bored easily and I have a hard time sitting through a lecture because of my learning type. Yet it isn’t procrastination that grips me, usually. I’m distracted by another productive work and mismanage my time because of how things have been prioritized by me. In the more rarer of cases, it is a mismanagement of my time by others who have the authority over it.

I think it is unfair to hold anyone to the expectation of being on time, being on point, or however we can define focus in this day of age. I say this because no one is perfect, that’s such a common-sense truism that it’s not worth using anymore. Though reliability is an asset in the workplace and also in the family structure, it would be a misnomer to call failure a propensity; that is unless it is rare that someone is reliable. So how is it that the expectation is laid out that an individual perform to a set of standards and do so without excuse?

I don’t pity a person who doesn’t take my time seriously, in regards to an apology for the time being wasted, but I do have sympathy because I know you can try as hard as you can to do everything right and yet somehow a wrench is thrown into the gears. A wrench with your name on it yet unfamiliar and not thrown by your hands. I mean.. Honestly... Who doesn’t get angry at the world for conveniently laying down distractions whenever the important things have a chance to be accomplished?

So what happens when you refuse to do something on account of the consequences of leaving something else behind? Is that not an even bigger sacrifice because there are inevitably negative consequences to face even while doing the right thing? Parents should know best about the toil of trying to do what’s right yet still having to compromise on everything but moral integrity. Suddenly personal desires are wisped away like a fevered dream.. Anyone who has lost what they like, or been refused what they need, knows the bitterness that comes shortly after from making sacrifice that  wasn’t a FREE gift. Yes, sacrifice has the same value even when it’s done out of necessity, but not for the heart of the one doing it. Yet most people wonder how there could be a negative reaction to being responsible or for making good on our ‘promises’.

I don’t know of a guaranteed solution to such problems.. My logic says that there’s nothing logical about the situation in the first place because it’s all emotional. So why bother trying to analyze a situation of conditions when the conditions have a subjective bias that doesn’t have to be logical in itself? Yet is it wise to just ignore the situation in all respects, to literally walk away just because we’re stuck between a rock and a hard place? Maybe that’s the only solution if the expectation is that others give a damn about the time of others, money, or the individual themself. Though I do not hold the same idea as true in my own lifestyle, I certainly understand the aggravation associated with these things and know I have been guilty of it all. I have a nice long word for the laymen regarding this.. The word is called: Sycophancy. It is the scourge of broken promises and hinders the sincerely punctual. A sycophant filters out the truth so that you hear what you want to hear and not what you need to hear. In the end it breeds arrogance in everyone and is what is called “two-faced”. The fear is an expectation, which is based on a paranoia, which all paranoia’s are unreasonable. Yet there is a suggestion based on a need or an incorrectly interpreted desire; the worse kind of people to deal with are the ones who smile to your face yet curse your back. Isn’t that called traitorous? Isn’t it a well known truism that: it is better to know your enemy, who wants to kill you and stands to your front, than to not know your own brother wants to kill you, who guards your back?

Next time someone holds you to a standard.. Ask yourself what that standard represents. Who is being glorified by that standard being upheld and why would dishonor shame people not directly involved with failure? Why is the fear of failure justified by a lack of proving what your Character is? Has compassion and forgiveness left the equation despite the answer of the first two? If you can’t answer the questions yet are being presented with a perception of reality of such.. Perhaps you’re dealing with someone in love with Sycophantic affection. Perhaps the true problem isn’t that you aren’t punctual or respectful, but instead you didn’t stick your nose up someone’s ass far enough for them to forget they now have a neighbor.