Friday, July 12, 2013

Be More Than Yourself

How many times have I made a mistake that has turned out to have life-changing consequences?
Not as many as mistakes leading to consequences that are slow to build and easy to cover up.
I count life-changing consequences as anything that turns everything upside down, inside out, or in the opposite direction.
Some decisions I make in response to what is done to me, sometimes I suffer consequences of my creation.

This is part of being Human. This is not some special circumstance of mine, especially about my propensities.
Who has lived without being afflicted with the consequences of a mistake?
In all respect to the people who suffer great loss, given no justification and struggling to find their value, I have great sympathy for the pain that any person endures.

It is difficult to say that my mistakes have helped shape me into a better man. More often than not, I feel that I have worsen the state of my destitution because of my mistakes.
The statement is not confounding unless awareness of fault is absent.
Reconciliation must take place, especially if hope for the next of kin is to abound.

How have I managed to stay alive this long?

Hope is defined as, "A feeling of expectation and desire for a certain thing to happen".
Is my hope real? Is it something valuable? Does my hope matter?
There is a stark contrast to this world that reminds me the meaning of hope. It is beyond a desire to see the world change because change is useless if it doesn't start within. When the perspective of the environment fits the desires to what it should be, action is taken to fix problems that prevent the environment from being a manifestation of what is desired. This is true for good or evil intent.

Why is there so much energy, false to what supports long-term goals, put into hopes? This is vanity, to wish for things that are not reasonable. Anything defined as reasonable should hold true to the test of righteousness. For anyone who refuses to align themselves with the absolute nature of righteousness, desires become as frivolous as chasing the wind and happiness as fleeting as the meaning of a dream.

All is Vanity, Under the Sun?

The reminder to persevere comes to my mind as I contemplate the absolute frivolous nature of the lives of the Proud, the Rich, and the Logical. Their lot is nothing more than a maniacal bunch that pretends to have an orderliness that is a testament of 'excellence'. I humbly disagree due to the premise of orderly chaos, the nature of this universe demands more than wealthy pride in a linear fashion.
Perhaps the duality of the three attributes I am condemning is forgotten and it is causing my rebuke to appear as though there is nothing but vanity. The harshness of my words is reserved for anyone who disrespects the character of having Pride in serving others to help build positive characteristics in others,  having wealth to help others from the afflictions of poverty, and using Logic to make sense of mysteries to help bring light to darkness. This world has to suffer Pride that demeans others who have unalienable value, wealth that breeds greed, and logic that is reserved in secrecy. The insufferable combination of all three attributes make for character of the Elite of this world!


Good luck trying to change the world, as if it hasn't been attempted countless amounts of times all through history. The most prominent figures of history didn't seek to change the world, they sought the opening of eyes to the true potential of the individual by re-establishing the inherent value each individual has.
There was one exception: Unlike the many prophets who came before and after his time, Jesus didn't come to the world professing that any human could save the world or themselves. He professed that he could and explained why. His words didn't resonate with all, but it changed the intellectualized concept of relating to the divine in the most profound way possible.
In essence, the vanity under the sun is the self-reliant demeanor that so many are blindly following.
We are not the light because we are righteous by good works, we only become like the light because we believe in a truth that is above the Sun. It nourishes us, this world, and hope itself. To obtain it is simple, but it requires accepting that which the world calls foolishness and weakness.

This is more than random, this is more than a spurt, this is more than insanity.
Only if you can break through the barrier which has you gravitating back to the world you live, this hell-hole of a broken existence that binds us to vanity.

We Must Rise above the Sun if anyone is to see the Light!