Wednesday, December 7, 2011

There's a Baby Crying

In the background of the busy city I can hear a baby crying in the cold and dark alley behind me.

As I sit down with my back to the alley, it is the city before me that grows dark and lonely.

The alley behind me creeps up onto my back, casting a chill down my spine as the crying grows louder.

Now I can't stand up, I can't turn around, I can't keep from grabbing onto my knees and burying my face into them.

I cry with the baby. My tears don't come. Instead my eyes dry out and my mouth loses feeling.

The cold around me fades as heat around me grows, alongside a sense of discomfort that increases the dryness to my eyes and spreads as the numbness of my mouth is spreading to the rest of my body.

Now I want to move. I have to get away. Why am I here? What is this place that I feel so unfamiliar with? It is hurting me! I can feel the heat and nothing else, it is growing across me and I can't stop it!!

The noises around me slowly change from that which the street produced into the slow and subtle crackling of a fire. But the subtle crackling begins to grow as my body starts to become hot like I am in boiling water.

I can't take it, I can't stop it, I can't understand it! Why am I suffering this?!

The crying is gone, replaced by my own screams that are muffled by the growing sounds of a fire, my body is the fire, my mind is melting from my dried out eyes and seared tongue!

What did I do to deserve this?! Why me?!

As the pain becomes unbearable and my voice shatters my mind into pieces I let go of all hope and admit I am truly lost. Then a voice comes to me in a gentle and interrupting power. It's softness and words make all the pain go away and lifts my broken body up, my eyes tear up from a brightness I can't comprehend and my mouth becomes wet with a quenched relief.

I don't understand the voice, I am terrified of what is happening. But this voice brings a calmness in my fear that keeps me quiet and obedient without measure.

Then as quickly as it started, I wake up. Left in my room, standing in a corner, everything that is reality slowly becomes recognizable and remembered. Especially the memories of what just happened.

I shudder as my fears come back and I realize what I know to be truth. That baby crying was the greatest gift i could have had, which I cast away like trash. That alleyway was my past mistakes of secrets in the darkness I had tread. The city was my foundation just like my reliance to keep secrets. I was alone, turning my back to myself but having no hope in what I trusted as my answer. I was consumed by my Sinful act and shown the light despite my guilt. I was brought from my guilt by some incomprehensible mercy and by waking up...

..I was shown that I truly have been given a second chance.