Thursday, July 21, 2011

Damn I'm bright!

I don't know how insane I can be but I never think I am even when I act it.
I think that the ironic thing about my brain is how capable it is of throwing me off. And when I say off I mean waaaaay off..


There is a type of reprieve for me though, but it seems like once I am not praying the insanity returns.
The pressure of demonic spirits isn't present only when I SIN.

There is no doubt that Satan likes to hate me; it's whenever I shine that he tries to snuff me out.
I am no fool who shines only as bright as a firefly..

I bet that at my brightest I shine like a star.

Right now I feel like I am destined to help and to protect.
I feel like the only example I am meant to set down is one that is not my own. That the people I want closest will be the furthest. Because like a star, things that get close get burnt.

I just get to sit in the cold by myself giving off my warmth and light in the hopes that everything in the non-perceivable distance is doing ok...
That's fine by me, not by choice but rather by faith.

One day I'll find a star to exist with, even if at a distance.